Nasza grupa projektowa rozpoczęła 4-tygodniowy trening uważności . Pod okiem instruktora zgłębiamy tajniki stresu i jego wpływu na nasze życie. Poznaliśmy już podstawy medytacji oddechem oraz korzyści płynących z treningu uwagi.

This day was the last day of our adventure with Icelandic friends. We met at 8.15 in a museum called "Humanitarium". It is an educational theme park and science centre which combines learning with fun for people of all ages. It is a modern facility with a variety of interactive educational exhibits. Here pupils can participate in laboratory experiments that develop their interest in science and the arts. Our group took part in a heart section. This experience made us realize how important the heart is for our bodies. We could touch, smell and cut a pig’s heart, which resembles the human one. We were also given a short lecture on how our lifestyle: food, sports and stress affect our heart.

On Wednesday we took part in a dance workshop in  the centre of creative activities called Kuźnia (The Forge). Supervised by a professional dance instructor, Icelandic and Polish groups participated in a dance performance.


Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr VII
Krucza 49
53-410 Wrocław

tel: +48 71 361 75 11 w. 23

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