As a participant of an educational project Erasmus+ „Educational Philosophy for a New Generation” our country had an opportunity to host our international partners from Italy, Spain, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

It was a hard time for the Polish team since May is the month of national exams, which are held at the school premises. But we made it. We met to work mainly in the afternoons. The project tasks we were responsible for fitted very well in the concept of effective education. Some of our ideas were quite new like mindfulness approach to improve attention span. Others “as old as the hills” but put on the back burner by busy teachers. Often pressed for time to meet the curriculum requirements, they don’t feel inspired to do some extra things. With our new approach, we as students want to take responsibility for more creativity in our classrooms. Our project team hopes to be able to revive and popularize the methods and techniques which make learning fun. We believe that the friendly learning environment where students feel safe, appreciated and free to experiment and learn from mistakes forms the base for effective education.

Learning takes place in diverse circumstances. The more engaged we are, absorbed in the process, the better, more efficiently our cognitive system works.

Storytelling was one of these activities which have a great educational value. Each school presented their own story. Some were told and some acted out. Some were based on personal experience, others were crafted in the school. There was also one fairy tale. Our Polish team staged the fable

‘The Fisherman and the Fish’.

Once upon a time an old man and his wife lived on the shore of the blue sea. They were poor and lived in an old mud hut. He made a living by fishing, while his wife spun cloth. One day he caught a small golden fish in his net.

Do you remember what happened next? Click the link below and you will find out. It is worth your time.



Childish as this plot might seem, the fable has a meaningful, timeless moral. When we hear or watch a story which involves our body and mind, we identify with the characters and plot, we are part of the experience. And then for sure the moral will become an important life lesson. 


Our programme is deeply rooted in a creative approach to learning.


Artistic work  gives as a chance to express how we feel, what we want, what bothers us or what resonates deep in our souls. 

However, creativity comes in many different forms and is not limited to artistic abilities. Creativity is not talent, it is the way of thinking - out of the box, in a fresh and innovative manner.   

Visiting places in Wrocław  was another attraction for our guests. Our town is a real beauty, our pride and joy. Walking around with our international friends gave us yet another perspective on its diverse history and charm. 

Travelling to the National Park of the Table  Mountains showed  our partners  the landscape of a unique beauty.  The bizarre rock formations, deep widening corridors and stony stairs created an atmosphere of wonder and mystery.  

We hope that our guests enjoyed the visit and the programme we prepared for them. More information on the visit is presented in the section Students’ Work 

Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr VII
Krucza 49
53-410 Wrocław

tel: +48 71 361 75 11 w. 23