4B1 4 B1
Nr Godz Poniedziałek Wtorek Środa Czwartek Piątek
1 7:30- 8:15 4rel1_P #4rel1 07 biol. JM 212 j.pol RM 110 cdos RJ 104b j.ang-1/2 KB 109
2 8:25- 9:10 biol. JM 212 mat. Wa 108b j.pol RM 110 chem. RJ 104b mat. Wa 108b
3 9:20-10:05 chem.-1/2 RJ 104b
j.ang-2/2 KB 109
wf-1/2 PW gb3
wf-2/2 LM g3
biol.-1/2 JM 212
j.ang-2/2 KB 109
j.niem-1/2 SM 11b
j.niem-2/2 AJ 10
mat. Wa 108b
4 10:15-11:00 j.ang-1/2 KB 109
chem.-2/2 RJ 104b
j.niem-1/2 SM 11b
j.niem-2/2 AJ 05
j.ang-1/2 KB 109
biol.-2/2 JM 212
j.pol RM 110 hist. Be 305b
5 11:10-11:55 wf-1/2 PW gb3
wf-2/2 LM g5
g.wych KB 109 hist. Be 305b mat. Wa 108b j.ang-2/2 KB 109
6 12:15-13:00 mat. Wa 108b j.pol RM 110 mat. Wa 108b 4rel1_P #4rel1 07  
7 13:20-14:05 4et_P #4et 14b j.ang KB 109 wf-1/2 PW gb3
wf-2/2 LM g4
8 14:15-15:00 4et_P #4et 14b        
Obowiązuje od: 4 września 2023 r.
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